DISAPPOINTED youngsters in rural areas hoping to see the blockbuster film Harry Potter at their village hall will have to wait until at least Easter.

Warner Brothers had said it was putting the film on special release to small movie clubs and village hall organisations to show in areas where multiplex cinemas are few and far between, from early February.

But as the film is doing so well at the box office, the entertainment giant has delayed the release date until Easter at the earliest, disappointing hundreds of fans in Dorset.

Locally, four groups had already arranged through cinema consultant Phil Walkley to have the film shown at their local village hall next month.

He said: "It's extremely disappointing but a decision Warner Brothers has taken for commercial reasons because the film is doing so well.

"What usually happens is that after eight weeks a film has done most of its big cinema work, and it is then released on DVD or VHS for small groups to show on a commercial basis in places like village halls and at small events. This is before it becomes available for home rental.

"In this case the film is doing so well at the box office that Warner Brothers have delayed the release until Easter.

"We had four shows arranged and we have had to explain to everyone they won't be seeing the film until April."

Among those who have been disappointed is Angela Daymond, who had arranged for the film to be shown in Verwood Memorial Hall on February 12 on half-term week.

She said: "I'm pig sick and annoyed by this because we had done all the publicity and we have received calls from people wanting tickets.

"Unfortunately we are under the control of Warner Brothers who are obviously making a mint. We don't even have a guarantee it will be on release in time for the Easter school holidays."

She added: "We will have to find another children's film to show but we don't know yet what that will be."

A Warner Brothers spokeswoman said: "In the case where films are so successful, and Harry Potter is obvioulsy one of them, we do keep them longer in the cinema.

"I can't comment on when film clubs will get the film. At the moment the film is scheduled for home rental from May but that is not yet confirmed."