PLATINUM couple Bert and Flo Reid celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in Charmouth after meeting on a London street seven decades ago.

The teenage sweethearts' paths first crossed when a pal of Bert's whistled at 15-year-old Flo and a friend when they were on the way out for the evening.

Mrs Reid, 88, said: "As soon as I saw him I knew he was the one.

"We were married two years later in 1931 at a registry office in Tottenham." Now - 70 years later - they have marked the occasion with a quiet day at their home of five years in Charmouth, near Bridport.

Mrs Reid was working in a sweet factory putting the letters in sticks of rock and Mr Reid was with a grocery firm when they first met. Mr Reid then became a labourer while his wife stayed at home to bring up their nine children - six boys and three girls. They spent most of their life in Kent but moved to a Magna Housing Association home in Dorset five years ago.

Mr Reid, 89, said: "The Lord put us together. We were meant for each other. The secret of a happy marriage is trust." Mrs Reid added: "Trust and companionship are the heart of a marriage."

The couple said they love Dorset and praised Magna staff. Mr Reid said: "We love it down here. You can breathe clean air." Mrs Reid said: "Our carers are marvellous. If anything goes wrong, we've got Magna Careline to call for help."