THE successful Responsible Retailer scheme which prevents age-restricted sales to children has recognised Shaftesbury traders for the third year running.

King Alfred's Middle School Action Group pupils, and former pupils who started the scheme originally and now attend Shaftesbury Upper School, awarded retailers in their local community with the high-profile awards.

For their efforts and support for the scheme, 10 traders received silver certificates.

The scheme is aimed at recognising the responsible attitude taken by retailers in reducing the sales of age-restricted items including cigarettes, alcohol, lottery tickets, videos, solvents and fireworks.

The scheme was started in the town in 1997 by pupils who were concerned about their peer group having access to these goods, and approached trading standards and police for help.

The Responsible Retailer Scheme was suggested. It uses a multi-agency approach to tackle the issues.

Due to its success, the scheme is currently being expanded around the rest of the county, has received national recognition and attracted numerous awards.

King Alfred's School teacher Sue Merrifield, who has now been seconded to Trading Standards to expand the scheme, said: "I feel extremely proud to be able to return to Shaftesbury to award the retailers the special year-three certificates.

"They have been so supportive of the scheme and the young people for three years and are now known nationally."

Inspector John Wort, of Dorset Police, said: "Shaftesbury has gained much national recognition due to this award and it is good to see that a community is so proud of its young people."

James Norman of Trading Standards said: "As the first town to develop this project it is great to reward retailers with silver certificates for responsible attitudes."