WEST Dorset district councillors are being asked to back a bid for cash for CCTV cameras in Dorchester.

The Dorchester CCTV Action Group has until December 21 to submit a bid for the high-tech cameras after the Home Office brought forward the deadline for funding support.

District councillors have already backed plans to install CCTV cameras in Bridport as a pilot, and this would have been used to develop strategies in the rest of the district. But the revised deadline means that the bid for Dorchester has been brought forward and district councillors are being asked to back it at a meeting of the community development committee tomorrow.

Sarah Ward, community and economic regeneration manager at the district council, said the capital cost of the scheme would be in the region of £200,000 - similar to the scheme for Bridport - and revenue costs would be about £40,000 a year.

In a report she said: "The police have asked the district council to support the bid to the Home Office - with consultants undertaking most of the work, this is not a particularly onerous task.

"However, it may lead to raised public expectations for the scheme and subsequent criticism if revenue funding for the scheme is not approved.

"This is a catch 22 situation because Home Office funding for the scheme is essential and if a bid is not made, there will be no CCTV scheme in Dorchester.

"Conversely, if the bid is successful, it will be very difficult to make a decision against the provision of revenue funding."

Ms Ward is recommending the committee supports the bid to the Home Office for the capital costs of the CCTV scheme without prejudice to a future decision on the district council's contribution to the scheme.

And Dorchester firms are being asked to pledge their support to the installation of CCTV in the county town.

The CCTV Action Group has sent letters to businesses throughout the county town asking for pledges of between £50 and £250 towards the scheme.

Western Division Crime Prevention Officer Dave Wright said: "There is a sense of urgency in this matter as the deadline for the bid to be submitted is December 21."

Further information on the bid is available from PC Dave Wright on (01305) 223474.