Supergirly: Pavilion Theatre.

IT was very simple, very basically done but Supergirly was spot-on.

The Australian twosome - Louise McClatchy and Jai Simeone - butchered the entire fluffy pop industry and with laddish thuggery laid the boot into everyone from All Saints and the Spice Girls to Boyzone, Ricky Martin, Cher and Madonna.

Armed with lashings of lip gloss, and the cheapest, tackiest, shortest girlie creations of leopard print and spangles, they sang along to pop backing tapes substituting their own comical lyrics.

The pitifully small audience (about 150) roared with laughter as Supergirly repeatedly hit on many things we have all thought but possibly never expressed.

Britney Spears came under attack for songs being so alike that they are the same. To prove it they sang three of them at once.

Boy bands and stars like Ronan Keating and Steven Gately were reduced to pulp and poor old Mel C was subject of some unrepeatable allegations. The witty song-rewrites fitted the music like a glove. I Did It My Way became the somewhat blue but hilarious I Did It Sideways and Just a Little Crush became Just A Little Thrush!

A remarkably short show lasting around an hour, it is not surprising that it did well around London's "party circuit" but as a theatre show it should, and no doubt will, eventually be developed into a bigger more lavish production.