Dorchester businesses are being asked to back the town's bid for CCTV, but a councillor has urged caution.

The CCTV Action Group is sending letters to firms across the town asking for cash pledges, from £50 to £250, in support of the scheme.

But at last night's full meeting of Dorchester Town Council, Coun Trevor Jones said that Dorchester should stop and think before pushing ahead with the initiative.

Coun Jones said: "At this early stage I would like some hard information about the cost of CCTV.

"We don't know how many financial partnerships we need and I see no point in going to the Home Office and saying we want these cameras if we have no idea of the required funding.

"And I have had no sign that anybody has put a figure on how much money they are prepared to supply.

"Before this goes any further, we have got to get information about how much money we are expected to find to fund this scheme and where it will come from.

"I am worried that we will set off down this path and then find we just haven't got the funding."

The chairman of the town's policy and resources committee, Peter Scott, said that the town had not had much time to submit its initial bid to the Home Office, which is offering cash boosts for CCTV schemes around the country.

He added: "At least by putting in the bid, we may see whether any money is forthcoming."

Town clerk Dennis Holmes said the bid had to be in by December 21 but stressed that it was not an absolute commitment to the CCTV scheme.

Coun Tim Harries said: "As well as the revenue implications, there is some disquiet about Dorchester being pushed into this scheme because other towns have it."

Meanwhile, the CCTV Action Group is calling for townsfolk to present a united front.

Western Division Crime Prevention Officer Dave Wright said: "It's very important that the people of Dorchester pull together and get behind the bid as it will strengthen our case when it goes before the Home Office."

Firms wanting to support the scheme should contact PC Dave Wright at Dorchester Police Station on (01305) 223474.