CONSERVATIVE spokesman for education in Poole, councillor Tony Woodcock, has called for action to eradicate the vast differences in GCSE exam results between grammar and independent schools, and those run by the LEA.

Poole local education authority was last week cited as one of the best in the country following the publication of the government's school league tables.

But Cllr Woodcock, from Parkstone ward, argues that the LEA only owes its high rating in the tables to the outstanding results of pupils at the borough's grammar and independent schools.

At these schools they have an almost 100 per cent success in youngsters gaining five or more GCSE grades A* to C.

Cllr Woodcock said: "I am extremely concerned that the GCSE results in LEA schools are only half as good as those in the independent and foundation schools.

"The pass rate for five GCSE grades A* to C was only 42 per cent in the LEA schools against 84.4 per cent in the others.

"There is a long way to go and no room for complacency. I do not accept that pupils in LEA schools are only capable of such half measures, or that selection and funding explain such a difference. For the sake of our young people we can and must close the gap."