THESE are the three new 'supermanagers' that have been appointed by North Dorset District Council.

The women who are replacing ten heads of service at the council in the new year called in at the authority's headquarters in Blandford recently for a tour around their new offices and to meet staff.

During their visit, the trio met all six members of the council's Cabinet.

The Echo revealed last month how Janet Rees (policy), currently a community involvement manager for a unitary authority, Catherine Powell (support) who works for a media organisation, and Joyce Guest (customer services) who has 25 years as a senior manager in local government, were all appointed after a lengthy recruitment process.

The council received more than 190 applications for its new £50,000 a year posts, which have been created as part of a management restructuring at the authority.

The future of those they are set to replace is not yet certain.