A VILLAGE is hoping a £98,500 appeal to restore their church bells and crumbling tower will ring true with fund-raisers.

Vital repairs are needed to Witchampton parish church's 15th- century tower and several of its bells.

The tenor bell dating from 1776 has a five-inch crack in it and is unringable, which means the clock can't strike on the hour as it uses the bell.

One other bell is also in danger of cracking unless restoration is carried out and the bells have a "wild" sound about them, due to not having ever been tuned.

In addition the villagers, led by the appeals committee, hope to purchase two more bells to enjoy a full ring of eight bells which forms a complete octave.

However they know the appeal, which is expected to last 18 months, will be difficult.

Rev Philip Elston said: "The problem is all interdependent. Without a solid firm tower, the bells are at risk and without the tenor bell the clock won't strike, so it feels like half a church.

"It is a lot of money but we are doing a job that is unlikely to be repeated during the next 200 years."

There is already £6,700 in the bank and the village has a number of fund-raising events planned including a coach trip and a 50/50 auction.

Committee members are also applying for grant aid help from trusts and councils and are hoping to cash in on Gift Aid provisions which allows charities to claim the tax on donations given to them providing tax has already been paid.

However it is appealing for donations and to those who may be holding a fund-raising event to consider the church project as a beneficiary.

Chairman of the appeal committee Charles Buxton said: "The church is part of the historical and social fabric of the village. The church is very well supported now and will be here after we have all gone.

"This appeal is very much for our successors and I think it would be very sad if communities such as ours, which holds many weddings each year, would not be able to ring the bells. Our duty is to look after it."

The appeal organisers can be contacted through Mr Buxton on 01258 840068 or via their website devised by Mike Rose on:

www.witchamptonappeal.co.uk .