AN INQUIRY was under way this morning into a plane crash in which two people were killed. The man and woman were found dead next to the wreckage of a light aircraft in a field near Lymington on Sunday.

Police and locals have described the crash as a mystery.

A farmer found the wreckage and called police at 2.06pm. It is not known what time the crash happened

The Baker Banbi - a single-engine, fixed-wing plane, believed to have been kit-built - came down on farmland at Snooks Farm in Snooks Lane, South Baddesley.

The occupants are believed to have been in their late 40s or early 50s. Police were not expected to be able to identify them or trace their next of kin until today.

A policeman on the scene, PC Philip Deeprose, described the crash as a "mystery".

He said on Sunday: "The investigation is still ongoing. The aircraft took off from somewhere in Sussex this morning. The crash scene was found by a local farmer.

"Two bodies have been recovered from the aircraft and the investiga-tion is still going on as to their identity.

"There were no witnesses as far as we know that have come forward."

Around 12 police officers were on the scene on Sunday along with investigators from the Air Accident Investigation Branch, who travelled to the scene from London and will lead the inquiry. The investigators were due to return this morning.

Sherri Cowen, who lives with her 19-year-old son in nearby Shotts Lane, Lymington, said: "It's a complete mystery. I didn't see anything. The first we knew was around 2pm, when fire engines were there and everybody was piling down the road. I've never seen so many vehicles.

"There's a private airfield that runs past on the other side of the road. The flight path comes over that field and the lane.

"I just feel so sorry for the family. It must be awful."

A Hampshire police spokeswoman said last night the cause of the tragedy was not yet known.

She said the pilot and passenger would be identified and their next of kin informed "as quickly as possible".

The spokeswoman added: "Investigators will work to confirm other details including flight plan and intended destination as quickly as possible."

Two police officers were standing guard overnight at the cordoned-off scene of the tragedy.

First published: October 3