THE MOTHER of a child who has never eaten or drunk anything has been overwhelmed by the response of Echo readers to her plight.

One woman has offered the use of a timeshare in the United States, people have come up with internet links which might be able to help and a pub in Fordingbridge has offered to hold a fundraiser.

Sue McCarthy, 42, told the story of Tia-Mae, aged seven, who was born with a large gap in her alimentary canal.

Although the gap has long since been repaired, Tia had a difficult recuperation period and has never taken food or drink normally; she is fed at night through a tube into her stomach.

Sue has praised the excellent care Tia receives at Salisbury District Hospital but, with the blessing of Tia's paediatrician, she is trying to track down a cure she has heard of in the US.

The phone has not stopped ringing since the story appeared.

"I have had people phoning just wishing me luck," said Sue from her Alderholt home.

"A lady rang me up to say she's got a timeshare anywhere in America which I can have for up to four weeks.

"That just blew me away that she would give up her holiday."

Several people have rung up with internet links and Sue will be contacting a hospital in Philadelphia and another in New York.

Others have rung up because their children have eating problems too, but for different reasons. The sympathy has been appreciated.

And Butler's Bar and Grill - formerly The Royal - is to put on a fund-raising event.

"I just can't believe the response," said Sue, who is full-time carer for Tia and her three-year-old son Finley.

"I would like to thank everybody who has got in touch - everybody has been so lovely.

"It just makes you realise there are nice people out there."

First published: November 9, 2005