A MUM from Lymington has cooked up a unique way of self-raising sponsorship for her planned charity walk along the Great Wall of China in March.

In return for donations, Jane Gawn, 53, bakes a cake for the sponsor to help them feel like they're getting a return for their investment.

Jane, who lives at Ash Grove in Everton, is now halfway towards her £3,000 target in aid of the Oakhaven Hospice appeal.

She's no newcomer to embarking on gruelling adventures in the name of the local hospice.

Two years ago she climbed Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and raised nearly £1,000 for her efforts.

"This fired my enthusiasm to do something else," she said.

"Sponsorship is all very well, but all the sponsor gets is the feeling they have helped; nothing tangible.

"I like baking, so what I do is make a cake for people who sponsor me.

"I don't do royal icing, and my pastry is not so good, but I'll do virtually anything else.

"I've done cakes for birthdays, and a friend asked me to make her husband's special, favourite cake as a surprise.

"I've also heard chocolate brownies seem to be a hit. It certainly helps bring the money in."

Husband Ian, secretary at the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, and teenage son Will are fully supportive of her plans and say they are very proud of her.

Will, 17, is a student at Brockenhurst College.

"It's not the usual sort of thing your mum does," he said.

Jane has also decided to forgo the normal £1,500 sponsorship pledge to double her target and will pay her own way so every single penny can be given to the hospice.

To make a donation visit www.justgiving.com, follow the "sponsor a friend" link and then type "Gawn" in the box. This should take you to the correct page.

Organisers of the Oakhaven appeal have announced that a black tie summer ball is being planned for May 20, to be held at the Devere Grand Harbour in Southampton.

"We can guarantee a fun-filled evening to include live music, daring acts, excellent food, lively dancing and great company," said a spokesman.

"We welcome you and lots of your friends to show your big- hearted support by taking a table and helping us to raise vital funding."

The hospice supports more than 120 terminally ill patients, their families and carers every week.

For more details call 01590 677773.

First published: December 19