THE plans for a new casino opposite the hated seafront IMAX building have come under fire from outraged Daily Echo readers who have branded it "a real carbuncle," "white elephant" and "monstrosity".

Ann Miles rang our response line to say: "I think it is absolutely monstrous. Not only would they be taking away an essential car park, they would also be building another monstrosity opposite the one we have already which spoils the most beautiful view in our town.

"I think it is absolutely disgusting and if it goes ahead it will be criminal."

Boscombe councillor Phil Stanley-Watts said: "It would be worrying to have a casino which would encourage families to come in. I would rather see a swimming pool at the site.

"The building looks like a real carbuncle and I think it would have a detrimental effect on the area."

A male reader rang in to object to the casino plans.

"I am really against using another car park - we need more in Bournemouth, not less."

Another angry male reader said: "We don't want another casino in Bournemouth. It is going to be just like the IMAX and a white elephant.

"Could the space at the back of the Pavilion be used instead? We don't need another attraction for adults - can't we do something for children instead and become a more child-friendly town?"

A male caller said: "We have enough problems with late-night drinking and drugs. Now we are going to have a debt and gambling problem.

"What the hell are the council doing? They must be out of their tiny minds."

A furious ratepayer stormed: "Bournemouth council has gone completely stark raving bonkers. All they seem to be doing is looking after the interests of nightclubs - nothing at all for the people of Bournemouth.

"This site would be ideal for an ice-skating rink which would benefit both the young and old."

A female reader agreed that the site should be used for a family attraction.

"We have enough nightclubs in Bournemouth already and car-parking spaces should not be taken away."

Liz Larkham said: "It looks like an air raid bunker. Anything on that site should complement the Royal Bath Hotel and be in keeping with the rest of Bournemouth.

"All the new buildings that are being put up look abysmal."

First published: February 1, 2006