Bere Regis

  • A STEP Back in Time, the photographic exhibition at the Drax hall was a huge success with a large number of visitors enjoying the amazing display spanning all aspects of village history since photographic records began.

The organising committee was thrilled with the response, and delighted that the day included several enjoyable re-unions of villagers past and present.

A profit of £952 was made for hall funds.

  • FAIR Waves the Golden Corn is the evocative title chosen for a flower festival to be held in Bere Regis church over the August Bank holiday, Saturday, August 28, Sunday August 29 and Monday August 30.

All enquiries about the festival should go to Elaine Standfield on 01929 471774.

  • THE April meeting of the parish council was devoted to the very important topic of future housing development in Bere Regis.
  • THIS is an extract of chairman Ian Ventham's report:

We were delighted with the good attendance at the meeting which included 24 members of the public, two people representing the land owners – The Drax Estate and Grainger PLC, seven parish councillors, representatives of a number of the village organisations and your district and county councillors.

Steve Dring, planning policy manager from Purbeck district council, gave a presentation outlining the Purbeck core strategy.

Mr Dring ended by outlining the possible development areas in Bere Regis which could accommodate the 50 or so houses (a mixture of market and affordable rented properties) which have been proposed for Bere Regis as part of the 2400 houses for the district as a whole over the next 20 years.

Ian Ventham, on behalf of the parish council, then gave a presentation with more detail about the potential development sites and the parish council’s view as to the suitability or otherwise of each of these.

He then went on to outlined the potential benefits the village would like to see as a result of any development.

These benefits include a new primary school, more secure sports and recreation facilities, open play areas and a number of other facilities including a new allotment site.

He then outlined the two options that the parish council most favours:

• Option 1: A new Primary School on the very central site to the west of Egdon Close and south of Souls’ Moor, with a single housing development between Rye Hill Close and Green Close, incorporating the present school site. This option would be dependent on Dorset County Council being able to fund the new school and on appropriate traffic measures being implemented on Rye Hill.

• Option 2: Should option 1 fail we would favour improving and enlarging the school on its present site, with housing development on two sites, one near the present school and the other on the old allotment site north of the west end of West Street.

This option would also require appropriate traffic measures on Rye Hill and the development of an alternative access to the proposed site avoiding Butt Lane

The chairman then gave both landowners an opportunity to talk about their intentions.

Both clearly expressed their desire and willingness to work closely with the village through the Parish Council to meet village aspirations whilst also meeting their commercial needs.

The representative of Grainger acknowledged that an earlier proposal of theirs some years ago to develop south of the village had been ill thought out.

The discussion was then opened up to all the Parishioners and a large number of very constructive points were raised.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 13th May at the Drax Hall starting at 7.00 pm.


  • A CREAM tea is to be held at the village hall on Saturday, May 8 from 2.30pm until 4.30pm in aid of the coming horticultural show to be held on Saturday, August 14.

Everyone is welcome.

  • ORCHARD Meadow has been evolving and changing throughout the winter months

A large number of volunteers led by Rob Brunt have planted over 800 bulbs, 400 shrubs and hedging, a living willow tunnel and seven trees including some old Dorset apple varieties.

Bird and bat boxes have been put up.

In addition to the three handcrafted benches installed last summer designed by Karen Hansen, Karen has also designed a curved seat installed on April 6.

Jan and Bob Hopkin have kindly sponsored this

Plans for a new bus shelter are progressing.

Grants from Dorset county council and the parish council will fund this project.

The shelter will be constructed by local volunteers, and it is hoped that it will be installed this spring.

TOSCA has bought a commercial-quality three-metre by 4.5 metre pop-up marquee for events and other activities.

This available to hire for £20 a day.

To book this, contact Peter Walton on 01305 848034.