RESIDENTS and traders have hit back at highway chiefs who have claimed that traffic disruption in Weymouth has been reduced.

Dorset County Council has said it has taken measures to ensure traffic is running more smoothly but many living in the town disagree that these are effective and some have said they have made the situation worse.

The statement from the council comes after traders threatened to stop paying business rates and residents threatened to stop paying council tax if the situation didn’t approve.

Residents in Lynch Road said they would create a human barricade to stop the traffic because drivers are ignoring a ‘No Right Turn Access Only’ sign designed to prevent vehicles from using the road as a rat-run.

County council project manager David Diaz said steps have been taken to improve the situation.

He said: “We have changed the signals on the Lynch Road junction at Fiveways to keep traffic waiting longer to try and dissuade people from rat-running along the road.

“With all diversions, we have to rely on drivers following the advised route and not rat-running on local roads, which affects other members of the community. If people continue to ignore the diversions, the only options left are severe actions that also impact upon the residents whose concerns we are trying to address.”

But those living and working nearby have said by changing the signals the situation has got worse.

Lynch Road resident Jackie Williamson described the statement as ‘ridiculous’.

She said: “It is not a good idea and it’s making it worse.

“How are drivers going to know about the lights until they actually turn into the road?

“They need to change the lights so that half a dozen cars can go through, rather than just two – it’s obvious.”

Claire Matthews, who works at High Tech Laundrette on Lanehouse Rocks Road, said: “The lights are definitely changing quicker, only letting two cars through at a time, making the road even more congested.”

In relation to Hope Square the council have said that drivers approaching the area from the Town Bridge are now advised that it is access only.

Gordon Clarke, who runs Seas the Moment shop in Cove Street, said the sign was not working and that lorries were still causing problems.