MORE tributes have been paid to a 76-year-old cyclist from Weymouth after his death at the weekend.

Peter Tindley, from Cycle Club Weymouth, suffered fatal injuries when he rode into the back of a broken down car.

He was taking part in Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers’ (BJW) 50-mile time trial on Sunday morning when the accident happened on the A35 near the Holes Bay roundabout in Poole.

A doctor who had been competing in the time trial event came to Mr Tindley’s aid until paramedics arrived at the scene, but Mr Tindley was declared dead on arrival at Poole hospital.

Cycle Club Weymouth secretary Ian Locock said: “He was a true gentleman and extremely fit for his age.

“Peter was our veterans’ champion for a number of seasons and I was probably his main rival.”

The event’s organiser, BJW member Bill Simmons, from Burton, said yesterday: “Members of both clubs are devastated by what has happened and send our condolences to Peter’s family, friends and all those who loved him.”

Mr Simmons has said an investigation will be carried out into the tragedy.

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