As part of the Weymouth Relief Road project it is intended to make improvements to Dorchester Road north of Manor Roundabout, which will no longer be the main road into Weymouth.

The county council’s proposals tend to focus on ‘landscape enhancements’ in the wide part up to Wey Valley School, though detailed proposals exist for the more northerly parts up the bottom of Ridgeway Hill.

The proposals are now out for consultation. There is nothing in writing as to when this closes.

I was told the end of November but I would advise getting your comments in as early as possible. Write to Strategic Projects Team, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ.

Details can be found at: reliefroad. Click on link Dorchester Road Landscape Enhancements at the bottom of page.

Concerns being expressed include the belief that the road will become a ‘rat run’, and that the already dire parking situation between the Littlemoor Road junction and Old Station Road will become even worse.

This in turn threatens the future of Broadwey Stores, whose importance to the community is out of all proportion to the modest profits made by its proprietors.

It has already suffered the loss of the post office contract, and only the enterprise of Peter and Janet Blakey in making connections with local farmers, has allowed it to survive.

A meeting has been arranged in the Menzies Room, Upwey and Broadwey Memorial Hall on Thursday, October 21, at 7.15pm for local residents to discuss their concerns and ideas.

This meeting is open to all, but you are advised to phone David Smith on 01305 815965, as space is limited. Council staff have not so far indicated any willingness to attend.

All this is being done in a hurry, and I fear that residents’ comments will be ignored.

I am told that, for reasons to do with the Olympics, the work either has to be completed by July next year, or has to wait until after the Olympics. I don’t understand why.

Dorchester Road will not longer be the official route into Weymouth.

Why shouldn’t the time be taken for comments to be incorporated, and for work to continue through the Olympics if necessary?

If this is not possible, I believe that very cheap experimental temporary measures could be taken in the short term to improve the parking situation. The road would not have to be dug up.

If these measures worked they would be left in place until after the Olympics at which time traffic volumes would be accurately known and appropriate permanent measures could be taken.

I gather that money is tight. This approach should allow the various proposals to be better prioritised.

David Smith, Upwey