TRAFFIC police in Dorset are targeting unsafe vehicles this November.

Officers and police vehicle experts will be carrying out roadside checks until the end of the month throughout the county.

Inspector John Mallace, of Dorset Police’s traffic unit, said: “We are committed to making Dorset’s roads safer.

“This campaign will target vehicles that are not fit to be on the road.

“These vehicles can pose a real risk to their drivers and to other road users.

“It is important that drivers maintain their vehicles to make sure that they are fit for the road.

“If they don’t, they could be guilty of committing a criminal offence, or they could even be responsible for causing a death on the road.

“My advice is simple – make sure your vehicle is fit for the road.”

Automatic number plate recognition technology will be used during the campaign and officers will also be looking to see if vehicles have a valid MOT certificate.

If they do not, the penalty is a £60 fine.

Inspector Mallace added: “It is important to maintain your vehicle all year round, but it is even more important to make sure your vehicle is up to scratch at this time of year as we enter the winter months.

“Making sure your vehicle is fit for the road could save your life.”

Dorset Police advise vehicle owners to ensure that windscreen washer bottles are regularly checked and filled during the winter and to get cracks and chips in windscreens mended.

Motorists are also advised to regularly check their vehicle’s tyre condition and tread depth, lights, MOT due dates and ensure that both number plates are clean.

Wiper blades should also be checked as they can be adversely affected by ice, oil and water fluid levels should be regularly checked and topped up.

As the winter draws in, drivers are also reminded to ensure that the vehicle’s windscreens, mirrors and side windows are properly cleared of ice and de-misted prior to driving away.

Dorset Police are warning people not to ignore warning signs on their dashboard as they could indicate a dangerous fault is developing.

Motorists should also make sure that their brakes are working correctly by doing a rolling brake test on a quiet stretch of road.

If the vehicle pulls to one side it may have a brake fault or the tyres may be inflated incorrectly.