I AM driven almost to despair. If it isn’t traders whinging about roadworks and any other excuse to cover their inability to promote their businesses, it’s others whinging about efforts to curb spending of money that the councils don’t have.

What we do have is a lovely location in beautiful West Dorset brimming with enthusiastic people who rarely get noticed.

When will our erstwhile trading community wake up and smell the roses and start doing something themselves to brighten up and promote our very tired looking town centre?

Instead of waiting for ‘the council’ to do it for them (with monies they don't have), they could press on and then and only then will we the people start to make an effort to spend our dwindling cash in their places of business.

Many factors are blamed, such as parking charges, but if a place is worth going to, then parking charges become value for money.

Empty stores fronts need to be made attractive and enticing, to encourage new businesses and rejuvenate the appearence of the retail areas.

The upper storeys of most of the stores are attractive old buildings that need to be taken care of and shown off, not left to neglect with old dirty linen or flags covering the inside of dirty windows (landlords and agents please pay attention).

Businesses need to cheer up their staff, a simple smile, let alone offer good customer service and selling skills. (Debenhams and the Body Shop seem to be good at this).

Yes, we all like a bargain, but please stop assuming that everybody wants cheap discounted goods. The stock in some of these shops belongs at a car boot sale.

The only trader I have seen to promote her business outside of the town centre is Helens, who presents a wonderful array of her goods at Dorchester Market and has done so for years. I would guess she has built up a firm base of Dorchester customers, well done!

The list of things that are low or no cost to promote their businesses goes on.

Let us all stop whinging and make an effort to lift Weymouth into Spring, A useful slogan I have used in business for many years is ‘Yes We Can’.

Roger L Loiselle, (Retired businessman and business lecturer), Weymouth