A lady contacted me to say that she has lost her late husband’s wedding ring which obviously means a great deal to her.

It dropped off her finger on taking her gloves off when walking from Coombe Valley Road across to Chalbury Close and through the pedestrian walkway into Wyke Oliver Road where she continued down Oakbury Drive on the left hand side to the first junction with Enkworth Road.

If you have found a ring in this area please contact me and I will put you in touch with the lady concerned.

In the meantime, if you are walking the same route please keep an eye out. It would be marvellous to be able to help by finding this heirloom.

Work is in progress on installing the new Puffin crossing on Preston Road between the Village Hall and the entrance to the Haven Holiday camp.

That this went ahead is partly – but not entirely – due to your community correspondent! This is because I wrote to the County Council with some of your queries about the installation, and received a reply covering all the points raised.

What I did not realise was that without a response saying I then withdrew my comments, my questions would be regarded as objections which would have to go before a committee! This delay would mean that the funding for the job would be lost.

I immediately withdrew my comments and lo and behold, the Puffin Crossing is taking shape!

The application for a licence for alcohol and music on land in the valley between Sutton Poyntz and Osmington, under the White Horse, brought a huge response from those in the vicinity, these being the only persons allowed to comment.

A licence was granted for 28 days, which covers the period that camping will take place in the valley, but the application for recorded music was refused.

It is difficult to imagine how this area, designated one of outstanding natural beauty and known to others as Paradise Valley, will be improved by 500 tents, but that was not the remit of the Licensing Authority.

Weymouth Energy Advice Centre is a group of volunteers who help raise awareness of energy matters.

On Wednesday 23rd February they are organising a meeting to discuss solar power for your home between7.30pm and 9.30pm in the Church Rooms. Two local residents will be on hand to talk about their own installed solar systems.

It costs £1 to enter to cover the cost of the hall and refreshments. Ring 01305 832180 or email jvtomblin@aol.com for more details.

The Spring Scout Jumble will be taking place in the Scutt Hall on Saturday 26th March.

This is one of their major fundraising events, and they would be grateful for any good quality items that they can offer for sale.

If you have anything in your garage, loft or anywhere else that could assist this excellent cause, please contact Betty on 833614. The youngsters need your help.