PLANS to stage jousting tournaments in the New Forest National Park have been thrown out – for the second time in less than a year.

Councillors rejected the latest application to turn a large barn into an activity centre after receiving more than 80 objections.

They said jousting and other events planned for the site off Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst, would generate too much noise and traffic.

Gordon Taylor, chairman of Brockenhurst Parish Council, said: “We’re delighted by this decision. It’s the wrong site in so many ways and the proposed activities would have been detrimental to people living nearby.”

He added: “I honestly believe that people don’t go to a national park for that sort of entertainment. They want tranquillity, not amusement parks.”

Councillor Maureen Holding, who represents the village, said: “Common sense has prevailed. Local people didn’t want this scheme. It was in the wrong place and it would have destroyed Brockenhurst.”

The plan was rejected following a seven-hour session of the district council’s licensing sub-committee.

Dozens of objectors came face to face with the applicant, New Forest entrepreneur Alan Girling.

Steve Avery, representing the National Park Authority, said the only access to the site was a narrow track leading off Rhinefield Road.

However, Mr Girling said the centre would only be open between April and September, with activities starting at 9am and finishing at 8.30pm, or at 6.30pm at the start and finish of the season.

The Boldre-based businessman stressed that no alcohol or hot food would be sold on the site.

Councillors heard that the maximum number of people present would be 480 at any one time, and no more than 126 cars would be allowed to park at the centre.

Last night Mr Girling said he wanted to study the council’s judgement in detail before making any public comment.