A MARTINSTOWN man has been handed a community order after admitting a charge of battery.

Ashley Harris, aged 21, of Ashtree Court appeared at Dorchester Crown Court in relation to an incident that occurred in Dorchester between him and his cousin Daniel Marshall.

Prosecutor Heather Shimmen told the court that Mr Marshall could not remember why he and his cousin fell out but described how ever since Harris had ‘relentlessly pursued him’.

She said the pair came across one another in Dorchester where an argument ‘quickly became more heated’ when Mr Marshall made comments about Harris’s mother.

Miss Shimmen said the defendant interpreted the comments as a threat and grabbed Mr Marshall’s arm before releasing his grip and Mr Marshall fell on the floor and banged his head in an incident which the Crown Prosecution Service accept was an accident.

She read out a statement from Mr Marshall, which described how he had continuing effects from the injury including headaches and affected eyesight.

The court heard how Harris, a labourer in Bridport, had previous convictions for criminal damage and battery as well as having received three cautions.

Judge Roger Jarvis imposed a 12-month community order where Harris will attend a ‘thinking skills’ programme.