It’s great to be able to let your dog off the lead and let it run but dog walkers are getting concerned about the amount of dogs that are not under the owner’s total control being allowed to roam across the fields by the water tower.

Recently an elderly dog was attacked by two others and the owner, in trying to separate them, was bitten on the hand.

If you walk your dog in the fields and you’re unsure of its temperament when around other dogs, then please keep it on a lead to save any unwanted aggression between animals.

One single, aggressive dog can spoil someone’s pleasant stroll with theirs, so do take other dog walkers into consideration before you let yours off the lead.

  • Children aged 4 to 7 years are invited to bring along their parents and carers to Littlemoor library’s Spring Fling on Wednesday 27th April. Between 2.30 and 3.30pm.

Listen to excellent stories and let your craft skills blossom by making hats, flowers and masks.

For more information call 01305 812350.

  • The fate of our library is still undecided but do go along and fill in the questionnaires on the counter.

These are being circulated to find out what residents think the library’s future should be, so do fill one in and let the council know what you think of their ideas.

  • The recent Help For Heroes disco and karaoke night raised an impressive £323. A big thank you goes out to all those who helped on the night and for those who turned up to make it a memorable and enjoyable evening.
  • The Off The Cuff writer’s group are taking an Easter break and will not be meeting again until Monday 9th May.

There are also vacancies for would-be authors to join the group when they resume.

If you are interested in spending a couple of hours honing your writing skills in pleasant company please contact either Peter on 01305 834503 or Jess on 01305 813863.

  • The Thursday Drop In group will also be taking a break and they resume their meetings on Thursday 12th May. This year, if members wish, the group will meet all through the summer holidays. All are welcome to go along, have a chat and a cup of coffee in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The group meet between 1.30 and 3pm in the community hall off Canberra Road. For more information please call Jess on 01305 813863.