A TALENTED Weymouth belly dance troupe has shimmied their way to success in a national competition.

Juno Bellydance was set up in June 2007 by Michelle Moss. The 16-strong troupe went to the recent Miss Bellydance UK competition in Poole. Competitors travelled from as far away as Scotland to compete.

They entered the Oriental belly dance category – this type of bellydancing takes its influence from ballet and the movements are more graceful and light than traditional forms.

The Juno group took the third prize trophy.

Teacher and troupe leader, Michelle Moss, 28, said: “I am pleased and delighted with our result. The competition was strong. It’s a great boost to the troupe, who worked so hard at getting the dances and their technique right.”

She added: “We all got involved in the choreography of the routine. We practised and practised. It took months of hard practise to put it together, it was hard work.

“It was an important competition so I wanted to push them and if it wasn’t good enough we tried it again.

“They are all so dedicated and passionate.

“They practise every Friday for two hours and we do displays all through the summer at fete’s and charity events.”

The group practise lots of different belly dance styles including oriental, saidi, baladi and cabaret.

Beginner groups are starting next week in Dorchester and Weymouth.

For more information visit www.junobellydance.co.uk or call Michelle Moss on 07970 555154.