FIRST year students spent a day sampling what is on offer at Weymouth College.

The students, accompanied by their tutors, each took part in three taster sessions, one sport, one practical activity and one classroom-based activity.

First year information technology student Kelton Adams said: "This has been a great introduction to college life and I got to know my class group through the activities we have been doing.

"I really enjoyed the cooking session where we made stir-fried vegetables and the Taste of Russia' when we learnt a few words and some cultural aspects particular to Russia."

As well as cookery and Russian students also tried engineering, kick boxing, skateboarding, music, street dance, sign language, computer maintenance, first aid and creative writing.

The activities are part of the induction week and are designed to make students feel part of college and to encourage them to make friends with their year group.

The students also listened to bands performing in the college square.