TEACHER Mark Salmon from Weymouth has been honoured with a top award for leading youth expeditions.

The Wey Valley School head of PE and outdoor adventure has received the Stephenson Award from The Young Explorers Trust, which is the youth arm of the Royal Geological Society.

Mr Salmon was recognised for his outstanding service to youth expeditions and work in outdoor adventure.

The accolade comes as he plans a youth expedition to mountain bike across British Colombia in Canada next year.

Mr Salmon said: “The Young Explorers Trust know about the outdoor education work that Wey Valley currently promotes, which I guess has gone towards the award.

“I feel very privileged, especially as it is an award you have to be nominated for and the field of applications was very strong.

“I would say that I feel quite humbled in that a lot of people in the Dorset Expeditionary Society and at Wey Valley also deserve the award.

“A lot of work I do could not be achieved without the excellent individuals and teams I work with at school, in the Dorset Expeditionary Society and the community.”

Alfred Stephenson was heavily involved in Antarctic exploration during the 1930s and was a keen supporter of youth expeditions.

The mountain biking trip to Canada is from July 19 to August 12 next year but the first selection weekend is on September 24 and 25.

It is open for 15 to 21 year olds and will be lead by Mr Salmon through Leading Edge Exped-itions.

It will involve riding across British Colombia from Vancou-ver to Calgary.

The trip will also include trekking in the Canadian Rockies.

Mr Salmon will be seeking to get approval for the trip from the Dorset Expeditionary Society.

The expedition costs £2,500 including flights.

Young people interested in going are urged to apply as soon as possible as applications usually outweigh places.

A selection weekend is due to be held at the end of September to pick expedition members before training days later on.

Visit leadingedge.org.uk/expeditions, call the office on 01305 777277 or email salmonmr@hotmail.com for more information and application forms.