A VICTIM has spoken of his frustration after his car was one of up to 20 vehicles damaged in a Dorchester street.

Police are appealing for witnesses after a number of vehicles were scratched and damaged in Cromwell Road.

It was initially thought just eight vehicles were damaged but police say it could now be as many as 20.

One woman living in the road said she believed the culprit could have been a local resident disgruntled at the number of people parking their cars in the street but police have dismissed the suggestion as ‘speculation’.

Michael White, who moved into Cromwell Road in January, said it was the second time his Ford Ka had been damaged since he had been living there.

He said: “I came back and it was scratched and my sister-in-law also had her car scratched. They had keyed all the way along the car.”

Mr White added: “It is disappointing and it’s not great when there’s not a lot of money about and somebody goes and keys your car for no reason.”

Muriel Quinton said fellow residents of the road were becoming increasingly frustrated with people parking there to use Dorchester South Station, to walk into the town centre or even for longer stays and there had been calls for residents- only parking in the area.

Mrs Quinton said she did not believe anyone she knew in the road would resort to damaging the cars but said: “It sounds like it was somebody who was frustrated.

“I just feel sorry for the people whose cars have been damaged.”

PC Dave Williams of Dorchester Police said it was not possible to get an exact figure on the number of vehicles damaged on Wednesday because all of the owners had not yet been contacted to see if the damage was new.

He said: “There are a lot of cars that have been damaged now.

“There was a similar incident a year ago and it is something Cromwell Road seems to be suffering from.”

Witnesses or anyone with information are asked to contact PC Williams on 101.