At last, someone has found the courage to prosecute a cyclist for riding their bicycle where it is against the law to do so – bravo.

Had I my way there would be a zero on the end of the £115 fine.

For far too long cyclists have knowingly ignored the law by riding on pavements - and the police and council seem happy to let them.

Since the completion of the new relief road there has been a plethora of signs directing cyclists this way and that, but when I asked a councillor for no cycling signs to be put up along Dorchester Road, I was told there was no money for it.

That’s another example of how cyclist are the favoured (probably) few.

I have lost count of how much money has been spent on cycle paths, it must be nearly a million pounds, but still they are not satisfied. Still they would rather ignore the law and endanger pedestrians than cross the road to use the very expensive cycle track provided.

S G Millin, Dorchester Road Weymouth