I was pleased to read the letter from M Griffiths about the litter in Wyke Regis, as I feel the same way (‘Looking rundown, Your Say, Novem-ber 14). The area around Foords Corner is a disgrace, with litter strewn across the grass verges and pavements.

Every morning I fill a bag with litter as I walk my dogs, but I cannot reach the numerous cans, bottles, cigarette packets, cake bags, crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, fish and chip papers etc which are caught up under the trees (which are overgrown) and in the fences. I sometimes see council workers picking up litter in Portland Road near the schools, but they never come to Foords Corner.

Our international guests on their way to the Sailing Academy must wonder why this is allowed to happen. This area should be more welcoming.

Anna Owen, Martleaves Close, Wyke Regis