A SCHEME offering transport to medical appointments in Dorchester is motoring along after a successful first year.

The Dorchester Neighbourcar scheme was set up last November to provide lifts to people who are unable to use public transport to any medical-related appointments.

Coordinator Vivienne Linnington says the group, which offers transport to anyone within five miles of the county town as well as offering lifts to Crossways residents, is currently providing vital transport to more than a dozen people each week.

She said: “It’s gone very well and we have been well used.

“We take people to any type of health related appointments like the doctors, chiropractors, hospital appointments, the dentists and the opticians.

“Our drivers wait and bring them back as well.

“It tends to be used by the elderly as they haven’t got their own transport and also anybody who’s got a disability.”

Client Joyce Hardy said the scheme had been a huge benefit to her.

She said: “It’s marvellous, it’s a great help for me to get to the doctor’s. I’m very happy with the service and it’s wonderful just to know it’s there.

Administrator Joan Hutson said people can take advantage of the scheme by becoming members for a £5 fee and thereafter it costs 60p for every mile their driver has to travel.

The team behind Dorchester Neighbourcar currently has eight drivers but are on the look out for more volunteers as well as another coordinator.

Driver Mike Stean said volunteering was very rewarding and it was just a matter of offering whatever time you can spare.

He said: “It’s about giving something back in life, you’ve got people who can’t get to places without transport and no family who can take them.

“It helps them and it helps me because I feel as if I am doing something for the community.

“It’s very rewarding and all of them are very grateful.”

Mrs Linnington said most clients always have the same driver and they are told who their driver is before they are picked up.

She said: “Clients like that they know who is coming and that they know their driver by name.”

The scheme was set up with a £2,000 grant from POPP (the Partnership for Older People Project) and is a not for profit organisation.

To find out more information about the Dorchester Neighbourcar scheme call 01305 269330.