A SHOP owner who opened just six weeks ago is facing ruin after burglars stole his entire stock.

His computer games business was also trashed by yobs who scrawled graffiti on the walls and left rubbish strewn all over the shop.

Mark Simcox, who owns a computer game store in Reforne, Portland discovered the break-in when he went to open up for business.

When he opened the doors he found his shop, Game Over, had been completely trashed and all his stock, worth £5,000, had been stolen.

The father of three said: “Words can’t really describe what I was feeling – tears, anger and all kinds of stuff.

“It took a few minutes for it to sink in before I could even call the police.

“I thought I was still asleep and dreaming – or having a nightmare.”

Empty racking had been piled up against the front door and rubbish was strewn on the floor.

A fire extinguisher had been let off and the walls were covered with foam and paint, which had also been thrown everywhere.

‘PS thank you’ was graffitied on one of the walls, along with ‘gingered’ and the words ‘Rata Aquatica’.

Mr Simcox said: “A burglary I could understand but it’s the spiteful stuff that’s niggling me.

“This is really nasty. As if I’ve upset someone but I don’t have any idea who it could be.

“It feels like a punishment or a message.

“I feel like someone must really hate me enough to do this.

“The hand soap had been emptied into the phone and internet router.”

Mr Simcox had only opened the business six weeks ago and had not taken out any insurance yet.

The 45-year-old said: “This is my first business and my first shop and I think I was a bit too trusting and naive.

“I was all stocked up for Christmas so the shop was full.

“Everybody’s been so supportive and the amount of messages I’ve had have been fantastic,” said the Weymouth resident.

“99 per cent of Portland want the shop to succeed because there’s no other one like it on the island.

“Everyone’s been so disappointed and shocked. People of all ages have said how sorry they are and how shocking it is.

“If I do rebuild it, it will be slow.

“I was in two minds about it last night but I don’t want to give up.”

'Thoughtless and disgusting'

Neil Wood, acting inspector for Weymouth and Portland Police, said: “Really it’s an awful crime and my heart goes out to the victim.

“It was totally mindless, thoughtless and disgusting.

“We’re even more determined to catch whoever did this.”

Police Constable Dave Thorne, of Weymouth and Portland Police, said: “As well as taking a large quantity of stock from the shop the offenders threw paint over walls and shop fittings, damaging the interior.

“This is a new business which has only been trading for a period of six weeks.

“I am appealing for anyone who witnessed this burglary or who noticed anything unusual in the area at the time to call the police urgently.

“I would also like to speak to anyone who has been offered new computer games or consoles in unusual circumstances or at an unusually low price.”

The burglary happened some time between 5.15pm on Tuesday, November 22 and 10am on Thursday, November 24.

Anyone with information is asked to call the police on 101.