In a period post the restructuring of Weymouth’s traffic arrangements, one or two matters are worth raising.

First, I note that WPBC is considering a planning application concerning the old Fire Station buildings on North Quay.

Please will the council take time out and develop a strategic plan, through consultation, for the whole of the stretch of the Quay from the Fire Station through to the church.

This will also address the issue of demolishing and relocating the council offices (say at the Granby) now that the merger with WDDC is increasingly taking place.

For if not we will lose the once-in-a generation opportunity to have a coherent plan for this stretch of the harbourside.

We will end up having an assortment of ad hoc developments which will be piecemeal and lack any architectural worth – probably a combination of various flat and apartment developments.

Perhaps it would be a complete run of Georgian-style houses/cottages along this stretch to be worthy of such a lovely waterfront setting?

Secondly, as most people’s judgement (locals and visitors alike) of a town gives a high priority to the state of its public toilets I sincerely hope the council has a plan to refurbish all of them.

They are disgraceful.

When reopened there ought to be a system of payment and this would help meet the cost of them being managed and kept cleaned regularly.

Finally, is there to be no landscaping of the new road into Weymouth?

It looks a very sorry site as you enter under the first bridge at the Ridgeway with weeds in abundance on each side of the highway.

Perhaps if we weren’t paying some £300k for a set of spinning plates at one of the roundabouts, there would be a significant sum of money to start to plant trees and shrubs which would make such an improvement to the entrance to the town.

Roger Boulton, Lynmoor Road, Weymouth