I’m pretty sure that the Editor could easily fill every page of the Echo for a whole week with letters from unhappy pain clinic patients like Terry Hiller (Your Say, November 23).

Our only wish right now is to hear that their painkilling injection is finally going to happen.

My wife had her last injection in March and anticipated getting another within six months, ie September.

She is still waiting and all day, every day is just pain-filled misery for her.

I cannot praise the staff at the pain clinic enough but unfortunately we know the only thing which is really going to help her is an injection.

Earlier this year there was a rumour that waiting lists were going to get shorter because a third consultant was going to be appointed. That hasn’t happened yet and if things are bad now they are going to be truly awful in 2012 when one of the current consultants is apparently retiring.

Perhaps Claire Damen, the divisional manager for surgery, will tell us what is really happening.

Frank Wilson, Bayeux Court, Dorchester