A MAN has been banned from setting foot in Bridport and Beaminster for three years – until 2014 – under an antisocial behaviour order.

Homeless James Hoare, 40, was barred by magistrates from the two towns except for pre-arranged medical appointments.

Weymouth Magistrates granted the antisocial behaviour order (ASBO) after Hoare was convicted of assaulting a police constable, assault by beating and criminal damage.

He was sentenced to six weeks for the assault on the officer with no separate penalty for the other two charges.

The judged granted the ASBO on his conviction.

PC Scott McGregor, of Bridport Police, said he applied for the ASBO to protect the public from the man’s behaviour and he was pleased with the result.

The conditions of Hoare's ASBO mean, except for medical appointments, he cannot set foot in Bridport or Beaminster until November 21, 2014.

The ASBO also states that he is not allowed to: n Act in an anti-social manner or incite others to do so n Consume alcohol in a public place n Be drunk and disorderly in a public place n Enter any premises from which he has been banned PC McGregor said: “His offending was such it put people in fear of their safety. It was crucial in this case that they and any potential victims were protected.

“The ASBO application is a very complex one which has to take into consideration that he was found guilty.

“Once this was done it allowed the application to go forward and enha-nce the sentence which the magistrates give.”

PC McGregor said that three years was a very good result and long enough to ensure that the public can feel safe going about their business.

He urged anyone who sees Hoare in Beaminster or Bridport to call 101 or to call 999 if they think he is committing a further offence.

Hoare had already served the six week’s jail sentence on remand before his court hearing.