At the recent cabinet meeting of Dorset County Council, (Decem-ber 14), a report was presented on how £600k worth of cuts to day care services was to be made.

After extensive consultation where the three (uncosted) options were presented to users, carers and the public, the option for privatisation was overwhelmingly rejected. However, the council is now going forward with a fourth option (no details available) which will be ‘a mix of all three options’ even though the third option was rejected.

So, it will not be until May that we find out what this new ‘savings’ plan will be.

Our only hope is that Coun Andrew Cattaway means what he says and that ‘levels of service will not deteriorate’.

My worry is that when Coun Cattaway says there will be ‘rationalisation of services’ – read ‘cuts’.

Which of the 24 day centres has he a mind to close?

We will be looking very carefully at this new option when it finally becomes public, and will be checking whether the levels of service Coun Cattaway is guaranteeing reduce in any way.

We will not stop the fight to keep the services that are so vital to the most vulnerable groups in our society. There is only one solution – no cuts to day services.

Lesley Begley, Maumbury Road Dorchester