A DORCHESTER woman who shed more than half her body weight, curing her of her diabetes symptoms, has won an award for inspiring others.

Rose Woodward, 50, lost 14 stone after a vicious attack left her nearly paralysed and forced her to confront her obesity.

At 26 stone, she was told by doctors that she faced a life of disability if she did not lose weight.

Rose, a former Staffordshire police officer, said: “I had finished my work shift at around 1.30am and was walking home when I noticed four men ahead of me that had been thrown out of a nightclub.

“They took objection to the way I looked and beat me up.

“I ended up with a broken neck and a dislocated shoulder and I was told that unless I lost weight I would never fully recover and I’d face a life of disability.

“The event itself was very traumatic, but being told that by the doctors was the wake-up call I needed.”

The mother of two used the Cambridge weight loss plan to slim down and now works as a consultant for the diet at the Holistic Health Centre in Cranford Street, Poundbury.

Rose was nominated for the award by her clients and she beat more than 2,000 others to win ‘Highly Commended’ in a ceremony at the Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick.

Rose is now working with the Poet Laureate pub in Pummery Square, helping to create menu options that are suitable for those following the diet.

She said: “Each of the dishes, which can be made the Cambridge-way, has a symbol beside them, so you can eat something nice without ruining your diet or your night.”

Rose also helped husband Lee to lose more than five stone and he also works as a diet consultant.

Rose added: “Although the obesity levels in Dorset are not significant in comparison with the rest of the country, the number of residents with diabetes is substantial and I would like to help as many people as possible.”