The Liberals at Dorchester Town Council have never had a good word for the management of West Dorset District Council and now we hear that the council wants to go cap in hand to WDDC for a half million pound loan to improve its financial position.

Dorchester town councillors can’t manage their finances so they have to go to someone who can.

I hope WDDC will be charging a commercial rate of interest so we can continue to enjoy the low levels of council tax levied by WDDC, and whoever heard of improving a financial position by borrowing more money?

On top of that Dorchester Town Council wants to increase their council tax by 3.5 per cent.

The Liberals always have been very good at spending someone else’s money but there is supposed to be council tax freeze at present and it is high time these people learned to live within their means; we have to.

If the councillors want to save money they could stop holding free concerts in Maumbury Rings, hardly essential expenditure.

Peter Watson, Manor Road Dorchester