Dorset fire crews have hit out at the fire authority for ditching plans to raise 4.2p a week in council tax for the local fire service. The fire authority voted down the plans by 7 votes to 5 making cuts to frontline services inevitable.

They claim seven councillors voted against the proposal to increase council tax by £2.16 a year despite the plan being backed by the budget group, the community risk group, the chief officer and the chairman of the fire authority. Instead they backed a council tax freeze for the fire service which will no longer ensure that frontline services are protected.

Karen Adams, FBU Dorset brigade secretary said: “We’re angry that these seven councillors went against all the professional advice they were being given. It beggars belief that they think the public would trade 4.2p a week for every household for cuts which will increase risk to life across the county.”

See Thursday’s Echo for full story