SPRIGHTLY Beryl Gray celebrated her 82nd birthday getting “mobbed” by young clubbers at a drum and bass night.

She got a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ from the queue at Boscombe’s O2 – and demands to set up her own Facebook page.

Beryl is a volunteer with the Boscombe Angels, a group who keep an eye on distressed and vulnerable young clubbers.

She said: “It’s more exciting here than sitting watching TV.”

The Angels were set up by Churches Together in Boscombe after a suggestion from Sgt Guy Nicholas at Dorset Police.

They go out two or three times a month to help the drunk and the lost, and watch out for lone girls.

They also give out lollipops and just chat – a way of making people feel at ease, to help with any night-time tensions.

Beryl has become their undoubted star, simply for being a kind person who reminds clubbers of their own grandmother.

Dick Gibbons, a member of Corpus Christi church in Boscombe, said: “Beryl gets mobbed.

“The kids love her and drag her into the crowd though the police don’t like that.”

Beryl, a member of St George’s Methodist Church, said: “The young people say I should be tucked up in bed.

“The first time I went out was quite an experience. I was amazed the young people were so friendly and just wanted to talk.”

She said some other people were “horrified” she went out and worried she would be attacked.

But Beryl and the Angels said they had never felt threatened and were all very impressed with the behaviour of the young folk.

The group is looking for new members. Visit www.boscombe angels.co.uk or email boscombe angels@gmail.com.