MEMBERS of Weymouth and Portland Chamber of Commerce heard how the local economy is on target to receive an Olympic boost this summer.

They met at Weymouth College to discuss plans for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Business people in the borough were told what businesses could expect and how they could prepare when the Olympics come to town.

Chamber president Anna-Maria Geare introduced the conference and Simon Williams, head of Weymouth and Portland 2012 Operations, gave a presentation.

He said: “I’m confident that a lot of local businesses will benefit from the Games.

“The chamber wants local businesses in this area to be behind it.”

Chris Hook, of Dorset County Council and the Olympic Delivery Authority, advised businesses in the borough to plan ahead with staffing, stock, deliveries and business hours.

Mr Williams praised the area’s current attractions such as Weymouth Carnival, Dorset Seafood Festival, Beach Kite Festival and the Spirit of the Sea Festival.

He said the Games will be an even greater asset to the town over the summer months.

Mr Williams also spoke on improvements made in the area so far and plans for improvements to come.

He praised renovations made by local businesses including The Ship Inn, Rendezvous and The Crown Inn and said they were ‘changes inspired by the 2012 Olympics’.

Matthew Piles of Dorset County Council spoke about issues surrounding transportation for the Games.

He said: “Transport is probably the biggest problem we have for 2012.”

He added that the main focus will be on improving services to the buses, park and ride, rail service and taxis.

Mr Williams praised local hospitality skills and said the Olympic athletes have already received a very ‘warm welcome from local people’.

He added: “The Games will be great for the community, great for the borough and great for the economy.”