DAREDEVILS took a leap for the Breakthrough breast cancer charity at West Bay... in pink bras.

John Eames, Stuart Rook and Andy Whitbread donned the underwear for their freerunning and parkour display at the Mound.

John, 17, of Beaminster, came up with the idea as his workplace Leakers bakery is supporting fundraiser Pauline Bale in her efforts for Breakthrough.

John, who works in the bakery shop in East Street, said: “It went well.

“It was nice to do something for the community.

“It was my idea to wear the bras and the other guys seemed okay with it although we did get a few funny looks.”

John, who is joining the Royal Engineers in July, Stuart, 17, and Andy, 25, are among a group of friends who meet up to go free running.

Parkour and free running is a discipline involving running, jumps and acrobatic flips often from heights and over distances in cities and towns.

They demonstrated a series of jumps, vaults and flips while their friends Vicky Phylosofou and Bridport Carnival Princess Jade Coombs collected donations of £20. Leakers is also making bra biscuits for Mrs Bale’s campaign.

Mrs Bale said: “I was very impressed that John and his friends took it on themselves to do something to help.

“They had their bras on and were very good sports.

“It was lovely of them to do something.”

Mrs Bale is collecting bras and putting them on a Bra Fence at her family’s Highway Farm in Symondsbury to promote Breakthrough.

Money raised will go to the charity while the bras will be sent to Malawi when her daughter Lucy returns there.

She will also be serving teas in the garden at the farm on weekends during Dorset Art Weeks until June 10 to raise more money.

The Down House Farm at Eype has already weighed in to help with fundraising with a ‘guess the bra size’ competition.

But boss Nikki Exton has also donated a percentage of takings and staff have donated their tips.

Anyone who wants to donate or hold a fundraiser can contact Pauline on 01308 424321.