Rodney Leighton predictably misunderstands my letter about interfering people on the Esplanade (Have Your Say, May 23).

Mike Goodman, WPBC’s management committee chairman, has already indicated that Weymouth Council is incompetent with the whole council bearing responsibility for the Condor Ferry fiasco.

But they have turned their massive brains to protecting promenaders from grave danger by banning five-year-old boys on tricycles (though not from a huge land train) and obviously their wishes must be obeyed.

My point is that cyclists cannot be stopped through beach patrol officers who have no authority to enforce anything. The money spent on them should be cross subsidised to the police so proper enforcement of the bylaws is done.

A uniformed constable on the esplanade would be wonderful – though, of course, not one on a bicycle.

Further money towards this could also be raised by getting rid of the WPBC’s spokesman for leisure and tourism who pontificated on the matter. How many more of these non-jobs are our ineffectual council subsidising?

Julian Oddy, Dorchester Road, Weymouth