Preston PreSchool has been busy this month. They collected gifts to make up boxes to send to soldiers in Afghanistan and the children and parents provided lots of lovely things. As a result they were lucky enough to have a visit from a soldier who brought along his tent, helmet and even some of his ration packs so that the children could try the biscuits and other goodies it contained! He told the children that he had been in Afghanistan for 6 months last year, and while it is hard being away from your family for such a long time a gift from home makes a big difference. As you can see from the photos the children really enjoyed his visit. Earlier in the month, when the Hall was being used as a Polling Station, it was decided to treat the children to a ride on the famous Weymouth Beach donkeys (which, as everyone knows, live in Preston)! After a bus ride into town and a visit to the Tea Bush tea rooms, where Linda served refreshments, the rain held off long enough for all the children to have their donkey ride. Future planned visits are from the Fire Crew, and a Lollypop man talking about road safety. Saturday 30 June is an open morning for dads, grandparents, brothers and sisters see what the children do at Pre School and it will also be a chance for new children to come along and meet everyone. Contact Jo on 07826018677 or 07595536748 for more details.

• The Weymouth East Scouts & Guides beach stall on Wednesday 6 June still needs good quality paperbacks to sell. If you have any to spare and would like to help, give Betty a ring on 833614. This is one of the most important fundraisers of the year, and all the proceeds go refurbish the Scutt Hall which used by all the Scouts and Guides in the area • Preston Village Market takes place on Saturday 9 June. Go along to the Church Rooms between 10.30am and noon for a wide selection of cakes, preserves, crafts, local produce, eggs and plants. Delicious refreshments are also available.

• Dave Martin reminds me that about the Sutton Poyntz Scarecrow season. From 21 July until Saturday 4 August, when the winner is announced at the Vegetable Show, all manner of weird and wonderful apparitions appear in local gardens. Get your thinking caps on, tell Dave and start building. All the proceeds go to local charity Waves.