Having read the article entitled ‘The signs are bad for our visitors’ in Tuesday’s Echo, I would like to add my two- pennyworth regarding the park and ride signs.

Last weekend my wife and I were returning to Weymouth through Chickerell, when a sign came into view saying ‘Use park and ride’ and advertising the cheap price.

So I said: ‘Let’s see if we can find where it is, assuming we’re visitors that don’t know the area’.

We knew that we should be turning next left down the B3157 past the Granby estate, and down to Weymouth Way, left at the roundabout and up to the Manor roundabout.

However, from where we were, there were no more signs by the time we arrived at Boot Hill.

If we had been visiting, and looking for the Park and Ride, we would never have found it.

No wonder there are not many people using it, even though the service is said to be excellent.

Brian Hutchings Newstead Road, Weymouth