While Michael Goodman’s email may have been inappropriate for a councillor to send, I commend him for saying what many Weymouth residents have thought for years.

I was born here, and all my life I have heard various whinges and complaints from hotel and guesthouse owners.

They seem to think they have a raw deal yet how many other local businesses are so heavily subsidised by the local council?

Our council tax has subsidised the Pavilion for years, yet most of what they put on is tourist rubbish clearly aimed at holidaymakers.

They benefit from the flowers along the seafront, the laser lights (whatever people might think) and all the other tourist attractions – none of this stuff is put in to benefit residents.

In my experience, most of them are not even local, having come here under the illusion that running a guesthouse by the sea is an easy life.

Why don’t they market their own businesses and pay their share for the flowers and the Pavilion if they think the council is doing such a poor job? Perhaps then the council would spend money on amenities which benefit local residents and their families.

J Freeman Guernsey St Portland