Dorchester Wind band is calling for musicians to join its ranks and bring it back to life.

Geoff Miller, who founded and runs the wind band and Dorchester Big Band, is encouraging players to come along and get involved with the group.

Mr Miller, a professional trumpeter and violinist who has worked with the Four Tops and Marvin Gaye, said he is looking for people of all ages and abilities. Mr Miller said: “We’re looking for all instruments but particularly brass and lower brass.

“You don’t have to be of any level, just come along and have a go – everyone is welcome to join.

“We don’t have the numbers to do concerts anymore but I think there’s definitely the scope to get the band up to full compliment and start performing again.”

He added: “Both the big band and the wind band are open to all, they’re basically community groups.

“I wouldn’t turn anyone away and I’ve never had anyone leave because they couldn’t keep up.

“It’s a chance for local musicians who want to play without feeling pressured or like they have to be of a certain standard.

“For me it’s about letting people play and find their own level and develop.”

Dorchester Wind band rehearses on Thursday evenings at Sunninghill Preparatory School on South Walks.

Dorchester Big Band rehearses at the same venue on Monday evenings and performs on the second Wednesday of each month at The Junction, Great Western Road.

For more information call Mr Miller on 01305 259115.