THERE is one big problem with the world – too many people.

We have to say ‘one child per family’ and say from 2013 no more freebies for single mums.

By giving them money for every child we will never get the birth rate down.

Some have never worked and will never work because they don’t want to – why work when they can get designer things and go to fast food restaurants and do nothing for it.

They get free dental, hospital and doctor treatment and have never paid a penny into the system.

Why should hardworking people and those who choose not to have children pay towards these handouts?

I don’t ask the system to pay anything towards my dogs, they are my choice, so if you have children its your choice you pay everything yourselves for them.

I got a part time job when I was nine years old cleaning eggs in cold water so I could afford a pony, and by 17 years old I was head kennel maid of the largest boarding kennels in England.

I had eight months off work when I had my daughter and moved to Northern Ireland as a service family.

Apart from that I have worked non-stop until 64 when I lost my job of 39 years as the company are moving to China – and for all those years of tax and national insurance I get £65.35 a week.

This is less than the squatters that were next door on £154 a fortnight and they left bills of over £900 for the landlord.

Why should the working person keep these lazy people and children in a designer lifestyle?

They seem to come off better than the hard worker and sadly Weymouth and Portland have more than their fair share of these people.

Marlaine Knapp Address supplied