To answer the questions swirling around about who did the flags in Dorchester’s High East Street and High West Street, here are the answers:

David Taylor applied for listed building consent and was granted rights to put up the flag pole brackets, paid for by the DBID.

Alistair Chisholm collected funds from the Duchy and the Chamber of Commerce to pay for the flags of all the competing countries in the Olympic Games.

We both, with additional help from Shaun Herne of Inspired Home Improvements,  put up the Union Jacks just in time for the jubilee celebrations.

Then on the Saturday and Sunday before the Olympic torch came to Dorchester we all swapped the flags from Union Jacks to flags of the world with myself, Alistair Chisholm, Kate Hebditch, Lauren Cotton from Waitrose, Andi Ring from the Estates department Dorset Health Care and Inspector Matthew Chutter of Blandford Police.

And finally on the day of the torch arriving myself and Kate Hebditch, from 9am to 11am, went up and down High East Street and High West Street to make sure the flags looked perfect.

Coun David Taylor, Dorchester