It is almost unbelievable that the Bayside festival should collapse halfway through the Olympics .

This is a fiasco.

It is difficult to find words strong enough to describe this incompetence. Which is why Ian Bruce’s statement that this mess ‘is not the council's responsibility’ is so ludicrous. Whose fault is it, then, Mr Bruce?

Why do we elect councillors, if it’s not to arrange things efficiently and accept responsibility when the arrangements go wrong?

Does he really believe that this mess isn’t the council’s responsibility? Or – as he’s the briefholder for tourism and culture – that it’s not his responsibility?

Whose responsibility is it then?

The Teletubbies? The fairies at the end of the garden?

Isn’t it time that our politicians and bankers accept when they make mistakes, instead of blaming other people?

Steve Elsworth Old Castle Rd Weymouth