MORE floats are needed to join the 2012 Weymouth Carnival procession and make it an event to remember in the Olympic year.

Organisers say that while there has been some interest in the grand parade next Wednesday the usual entries from pubs and clubs have not been submitted.

Parade organiser Stuart Bain-bridge thinks people may be preoccupied with the Olympics – but he wants groups to start thinking now about their entries.

Usually there is a surge of interest in the procession in the days leading up to the carnival so Mr Bainbridge hopes to see more entries soon.

Like last year, Rotary Club organisers have arranged insurance cover which works out at £56 per float. Charities can apply to have this refunded afterwards. Walking entries do not need the cover.

Floats and walking entries will join a number of marching bands in the procession which will wind one-way along the seafront. It will leave the Pavilion at 6.30pm and finish at Lodmoor Country Park.

Mr Bainbridge said “We have had about 20 entries so far but would obviously like to see more in such a special year for the borough.”

Among the floats that have signed up already is the entry by volunteers from the Let’s Make It community group. Project leader Julie Hursthouse said the float would have a nautical theme.

She said: “I’m really looking forward to the carnival. It’s an opportunity for locals to get involved, have fun and help charities.”

For carnival information and to download an application form for the procession go to the website weymouthcarnival2012. For procession inquiries call Stuart Bainbridge on 01305 871664 or email procession@weymouth